Association for Language Awareness
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The first issue of LANGUAGE AWARENESS Vol 18 has now been published. It contains the usual variety of authoritative articles from a wide range of Language Awareness contexts. Later in 2009, a special double issue will feature articles arising from the ALA International conference in Hong Kong 2008, 'Engaging with Language'. A copy of the journal is a benefit of membership of the Association for Language Awareness, and membership is the cheapest way of receiving it.

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Agneta M-L. Svalberg's "Language awareness and language learning", in Language
Teaching, Vol.40, 2007, pp.287-308, Cambridge University Press.

"This article reviews LA as a field of research and practice. It deals with the
period from 1990 to the present, asking what LA is, how it has been collectively
constructed during this time, what the theoretical underpinnings might be and
what it means in practical, methodological terms in the classroom and for
society. It is recognised that its multidisciplinary nature and wide scope could
lead to fragmentation, but it is argued that the holistic view evident in LA
research and practice is a strength , and that its different sub-fields have
certain core notions in common which give LA coherence.
The paper begins with a brief background sketch and outline, and goes on to
discuss the literature on cognitive aspects of LA such as awareness, attention
and noticing. The review than enquires into the characteristics of LA teaching
methodology, and what LA is needed for teachers to implement it. Social and
political perspectives are then explored in brief reviews of Critical Language
Awareness, Inter-/Cross-cultural Awareness, and multilingualism. The paper
closes by drawing conclusions and making suggestions for further research."